So in case the saltines and sleepiness didn't give it away... yes I'm pregnant!!!! And we're thrilled! I'm 12 weeks along now and just saw my
Sooo... this pregnancy so far has been probably a bit harder than
He has a cute little cousin, "E". She is 4 months old. He is quite cute with her. Out of the blue the other day he went up and gave "E" a side hug (she was being held in a standing position by her mom). Okay, he hardly ever just goes and gives people hugs. And he did it TWICE with "E" and then he went and squished in next to her so he could sit with his arm around her back. I about died watching it because it was so adorable. Whenever "E" cries he gets really concerned and looks like he wants to go comfort her. He's a man of few words so it's cute watching him try to comfort her with just hand motions.
So yeah, he's just been really cute with little girls lately... makes me wonder if we're going to have a girl. We go to a ward play group every week and the other lady who comes has two, wait no, now three little girls (she's my friend who was pregnant) So anyway, one of the little girls, "H" is like 6 months older than
He's got a cousin, "N", who is 6 months older than him and they'll just run around together and play for the longest time together. My sister-in-law was watching
Anyway, I probably could go on and on, but it's just fun to see him growing up and interacting.
So, back to the pregnancy! We went in at about 6 weeks and got to see our little baby. He/She looked more like a little bean than a baby. But it was still awesome to see! Then this week when I went in for my second appointment (just about 12 weeks) and got to have another ultrasound. I get to have an ultrasound at every appointment because I'm high risk!!! Woot! (woot for the ultra sounds, not for the high riskedness, lol) So anyway, I got to see our cute little baby again!!! The doc didn't print any pictures which bummed out Brent greatly. He didn't come with me to the appointment figuring he'd at least get to see pictures (that's what our last doc would do). I should have asked him to print some but was too thrilled looking at the baby and hearing the doc talk about how good everything looks that I didn't even think to ask. The baby was kicking his/her legs a bunch and had it's cute little hand rested on it's knee. It looks like just a cute little miniature baby! He/She is only 2 1/2 inches long and looks so good and healthy!
The sickness is starting to go away slowly (knock on wood). It's still random when I get sick though. It's not always at the same time in the day. That's how it was with
Brent has been so awesome during all of my illness. He is so patient with my fatigue and sickness. He has really helped out a ton with the cleaning and shopping. I don't cook a ton anymore, food just doesn't sound appealing. Preparing it sounds even worse. Brent is great about helping out with the gross stuff in cooking that I can't bear to do, mainly like cutting raw chicken.
Anyway, so I'm looking forward to my second trimester coming up here soon. I have high hopes of having a lot of fun with my cute little fam before I get too uncomfortable. I look forward to finding out the gender so I can know what to shop for and how to decorate. And I'm going to try to get everything done before I reach 30 weeks just in case. Because with
I'm also looking forward to never getting a cold ever again. I've had a cold almost the whole pregnancy long. I had a mild cold when I was about 5 weeks. Then at about 7 weeks I caught a terrible cold and it turned into a sinus infection. Then right after I got better with that one just last week I caught yet ANOTHER cold. This one isn't as bad, it's a sore throat/cough no stuffiness though (knock on wood). Does knocking on wood help? My doctor did it yesterday, so it probably does.;)
I'm mostly just looking forward to having another baby! The Lord has blessed us so much! We're grateful he's giving us with another child and hope we can be the parents he would want us to be.
Well...I think that about sums it up. Hope you enjoyed my novel.