October 16, 2011

September in a nutshell

Wow, I have a lot of catching up to do. With Brent in school my time is stretched more thin and blogging isn't one of those priorities that makes my list. Which is unfortunate because I'm sure I'd have a lot more journaling about these pictures if I did them soon after I took them. But alas, hopefully the pictures can speak for themselves enough in my memory that what I write is enough.
The beginning of the month we were browsing through Dollar Tree looking for a present for Chico's friend's birthday (yeah, we're cool like that).  As we were walking along we came across a Knight in Shining Armor Costume!!! We were so excited, especially because I was starting to wonder where in the world we'd find one.  Since then I have hid it until Halloween. He just looked so dang cute we had to get pictures at the time.

Brent took this beautiful picture.
It seems crazy that it wasn't that long ago that my kids could crawl around in onesies outside because it was so warm.  Talk about a warm September! It was awesome!!!

I decided that the boys and I needed to go feed the ducks and that we should invite along Chico's cousins. This particular duck was pretty awesome looking. :)

And these two boys are particularly cute together. They are best buds for sure.
I got three cheap loaves of bread and the kids had so much fun throwing the bread. I didn't know they'd be able to eat that much bread. We tore through it pretty fast.


And then the next day...
I left out this line and the boys got a hold of it and "Grizwald wrapped Chico up" though I don't think he knew that is what he was doing. :)Photobucket

I love their faces in this next picture:
Chico pretending to be worried and Grizwald's look is saying, "Don't try anythign Mr."

One Sunday afternoon when the boys were playing outside with Daddy, Brent captured these awesome faces of Griz.  These first two are faces I see him pull a lot. I am SO glad he captured them.


And of course, nothing like a Grizwald Smile.

I think this was earlier that day on Sunday before I had changed Grizwald out of his Sunday outfit.  I was taking a picture of how he can climb up into this rocking chair all by himself.  He is always SO proud of himself when he does that.
what's with the hammer you might ask... I used it on some stakes for a photo shoot and hadn't quite gotten it put away. :)

Coming up next... Grizwald's cake smash. :)

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