September 7, 2013

Chico's First Day of Kindergarten

 After the countdown for baby was over, the countdown for kindergarten began! Chico was SO excited to start school. Nervous, yes. But he did pretty well in spite of that. He had a stressed out one-week post-partum mom with him so maybe he was anxious to get away from me, but he went to his spot in the class pretty well! :)  Okay, he did cling to my leg for a bit, but once he saw a spot to sit next to a wardie he was fine.
We have two weeks under our belt now and this is the scoop on school: Favorite part of school is recess. He earned a blue slip already!(That's a good thing) And I keep hearing him sing new learning type of songs that we didn't teach him. Too cute!  I drove past the other day while he was at recess and he happened to see the car, I waved at him and he waved back with a little bit of a shy smile.  Was he perhaps embarrassed to see me?! It was cute seeing him playing outside with the other kids either way.

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