July 10, 2010


Brent's sister invited us up to play with our cameras watch the kids play with sparklers.  We all had a blast watching the fireworks she bought and then trying to do designs with sparklers.  Brent's sister totally thought of the coolest idea of taking pictures of the sparklers and she was so nice to invite us to come up and use their sparklers and her idea and share in the fun!
There were other fun abstract designs.  But these are the distinguishable ones:

Photobucket Brent made that heart and then one of the kids came running into the frame. Still a cool picture though. Brent's sister was spelling out "family" but we only had room in the frame for the "fam" But it's still way awesome! Photobucket

I had a really fun time sitting back relaxing and eating all of "N"'s popcorn. We brought up brownies and Chico couldn't stop asking for "me" which means "more" in Chico language. "K" was so excited about the fireworks, if there had been walls around, she would have been bouncing off them! It was fun to hang out with them as always!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah,
Thank you for doing sparklers with us! I know that I was sick but it was really fun watching them.