June 21, 2011

Antelope Island with the Scouts

I laughed so hard when I saw this picture. Yes, that is a buffalo chip.
This Scout comes over and plays with Chico every once in a while. Before I know it, he's going to teach Chico to eat bugs and forge his own swords. He's really sweet with Chico and Nelmo, I love it when he visits. There's no one quite like him, I'm glad we live by him and have gotten to be part of his life as he grows. We'll definitely never forget him.

And here are some scenic pictures Brent took during the campout.



He took these when he was supposed to be sleeping but was having too much fun playing with the camera. Or perhaps he was missing me and Chico. First picture is about Chico (if you know our family well, you'll know why the Big Dipper is important in regards to Chico)

Awww, ain't it sweet? I missed him tons while he was gone. Having him gone stinks majorly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those pictures are amazing!