April 5, 2012

flossers and achey legs

A while ago Chico got out the flossers out of the drawer and they had so much fun playing with them. Kinda a waste of flossers I know, but they were being so cute and entertained I couldn't say no.

Chico is growing up so fast.  Last night was rough for him. He woke up crying telling me his knees were hurting. I got him back to bed but then a couple hours later he woke up again crying about his legs hurting.  It was right when Brent and I were going to go to bed so we laid in our bed with him trying to get him calmed down. I had given him some Tylenol but he was still crying.  I finally got him to listen to me and asked him if he wanted to say a prayer.  I said the prayer and after I finished I had the thought to tell him WHY it was that I was trying to rub his legs (because he had been fighting me off when I had been trying). I told him about how when I was a kid my legs would hurt during the night too but that my parents would rub my legs and it would make them feel better.  After I told him that he started to calm down and within minutes he was asleep.

1 comment:

BHatch said...

Thank you for reminding me of that wrestles night's sleep while it's still painfully fresh in my mind:)